Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 16

How far along?  16 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? From crown to butt, 4.5 inches long! Which is the length of a good-size avocado
Maternity clothes?  I have made more purchases and am completely unable to fasten my normal jeans. I am still living in leggings, jeggings, and tights… but I have worn maternity shirts a couple times just because they are so soft and extra long
Sleep: same as usual, no more nightmares but definitely tired of my 3am runs to the bathroom
Best moment this week: I know it sounds weird, but I was lifting weights (with Austin as my trainer) and he was staring at my belly in profile and told me that he loved the shape of my belly. Awe. Also, buying the crib was awesome—made it feel very real. And feeling MUCH better.
Missing anything:  fitting my pants and not having to pee all the time. I left a 75 minute class twice, TWICE, to pee.
Movement: no, but I am so anxious and excited to feel something that I think I am imagining it
Food cravings: nothing really, just always want melon and citrus
Anything making you queasy or sick:  not so much.
Gender Predictions: still not sure and DYING to know!
Labor Signs: I should just delete this question for another 15 weeks.

Symptoms:  HUGE boobs, growing belly, firm belly, constant need to pee
Belly Button in or out? In, but a definite sad face and fodder for many jokes
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY!
Looking forward to: building the crib, knowing the sex… in the meantime, we have an appointment on Monday and I LOVE getting to hear the heartbeat

Also, that is a fold in my baggy shirt, NOT back fat. Just to clarify.

 Nando had to get in on the belly action... or he was protecting the belly. Unsure.

Austin’s weekly reflection:

Sleep? It’s been good…good.
Best moment of the week? Whenever Sarah tries to suck in her belly because she feels fat, but she can’t. HAHAHAHA
Food cravings? No more than usual. (AKA, everything.)
Gender prediction? Still pretty confident that it is going to be a girl. my whole family thinks so too.
Looking forward to: putting the bed together in the nursery (for guests and late-night exhaustion) getting the nursery ready, building the crib. I am really looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby. I am also not having any more crazy baby dreams (which we didn’t share on here because they were too weird), I just dream about math.

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