Saturday, March 30, 2013

And the baby is....

 What could it be????? 
Girl or Boy?????

 It's a Girl!!!!!!!

We are so excited to welcome a little lady (which EVERYBODY predicted)!!
We have already gone shopping and I am dying to show off her adorable growing wardrobe!
We learned at our 20 week ultrasound that she is very healthy and a sizable personality
 (AKA, at 20 weeks 6 days, she is the size of a 21 week and 4 day baby)

Also, she will NOT be wearing a lot of pink
 nor will she be referred to as a princess!!

Horray for our little lady!!!

 Fernando was clearly not amused by this photo shoot. 
He doesn't care about having a little sister, only whether or not she likes to spill food.


  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Congrats! I'm so looking forward to knitting all sorts of goodies for your little lady! :)

  2. I am already excited for her monogrammed cardigan!!!

  3. woo hoo!!!!!!!! how did we all know!?! :) so excited! can't wait to meet her!!!!
