Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 22

How far along?  22 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? 11 inches long!
Maternity clothes?  aside from a couple random larger shirts and sweaters, absolutely. This belly is not about to fit in regular pants, that's for sure. But I am madly in love with Old Navy maternity leggings and jeans, so comfy!
Sleep: back to waking up in the middle of the night. Also, because there was such a rapid belly growth in the past couple weeks, I am still adjusting to maneuvering this big ole ball around, which makes for not the best sleeping.
Best moment this week: FINALLY, people have asked me about my due date and it feels like it is totally out in the open. We had a doctor appointment and our little lady is totally healthy and doing well!  Also, my friend Anh just had her baby girl and she is adorable!--- made everything seem more real.
Missing anything:  being able to zip up my rain jacket!! I walked home in the rain today and ended up with a very wet belly. Austin seemed to like it.
Movement: YES! This chick LOVES to kick and do aerobics! I can only imagine what my life is going to be like when she is bigger and doing these same moves.
 Food cravings: I am at the dangerous point in pregnancy when everything sounds good.... literally everything. I really want carne asada from home but also want a good BLT, a burger, these veggie baked chips things that I LOVE....mmmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Sadly, no. I get really dizzy when I get up but that is it.
Gender: GIRL!! 
Symptoms: big belly, big boobs, no swelling (thankfully), bladder being squished, random lower back pain...
Belly Button in or out?  In and holding its shallow ground.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy. The semester is winding down, so there is that stress, but then I begin teaching the day after finals week, so there is that to look forward to. I am very much looking forward to mid-June when I can finally relax until she makes her grand debut.
Looking forward to: Going to Vancouver/Portland next weekend, the end of the this semester, sleeping in this weekend, maybe lunch with the girls Friday... life in Pullman is really out of control.

Austin’s weekly reflection: (Austin is currently studying for a big math test that he has to take tonight so I will answer these based on what I have observed)
Sleep? Good- Fernando got sick and pukey in the middle of the night last night, but Austin jumped up and cleaned up the puddles (note the plural) and was promptly rewarded with a sloppy, sticky kiss from Fernando's pukey mouth.
Best moment of the week? a couple hours from now when he is done with his math test.
Food cravings?  he seems to want ice cream
Looking forward to: refer to best moment of the week.

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