Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 26

How far along?  26 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? She is the length of an English Hothouse Cucumber. No, I have no idea what that is either. The doctor said that my uterus is the size of a 28 week pregnant belly, but I question if that might have to do more with my forward-tilting uterus rather than the baby being a chub-ster.
Maternity clothes?  most definitely
Sleep: Not too hot... no matter what I do, I can't seem to sleep in past 6:30am. Needless to say, I am exhausted.
Best moment this week: We went to the doctor this week and she told us that Mila has a very strong heartbeat, which is wonderful news. Also, at the appointment, she was pressed against my belly so that my entire belly was lopsided. After the doctor listened to her heart, Austin got to see the entire mass move/shift through my skin. I missed it.
Missing anything:  I miss not being paranoid and being able to walk home from school without feeling like I have been lifting weights.
Movement: She has a set kicking schedule and did not like being woken up early this morning by Fernando barking at the cat.
 Food cravings: I miss Lolita's food so desperately, but that really has nothing to do with pregnancy.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: No, thank god.
Symptoms:  After lugging this big ole gut around, my feet definitely ache at the end of the day. Otherwise, besides looking very pregnant, not really anything- no swelling, not too much lower back pain, etc.
Belly Button in or out?  In-ish but not really.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but very very very sleepy.
Looking forward to: Like I explained before, I am happy with each day that passes without bleeding. I want her to stay in there as long as possible so every day I look forward to making it through the next. Also, annoyingly, my glucose test came back a little high so I have to go to the hospital Saturday morning (after fasting for 14 hours... 14 HOURS!!!) and have a 3 hour glucose test to determine if the first test was a fluke or if I have gestational diabetes. I am actually extremely frustrated by this as I have been eating right, exercising as much as the placenta previa allows, relaxing as ordered, keeping at a healthy weight: everything I am supposed to be doing. I am really hopeful that the test comes back normal because I cannot handle adding a second type of high-risk pregnancy to my already high-risk pregnancy. The test should suck and I will be starving, but fingers crossed that I will not have to add daily finger-pricking to everyday of the rest of this pregnancy.  ALSO, after the test, we are taking Fernando to the new dog park that opened in town, so I am very excited about that!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? I need more.
Best moment of the week? Getting to see the belly move was awesome!
Food cravings? dirty Chinese food.
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to finding out that Sarah does NOT have diabetes!

Austin's mom surprised us with our car seat!!! We are so excited because without this, we would have no way to bring Mila home (and as we are not totally sure when she is going to make her grand debut, this was a bit nerve wracking!) So kind of her!!

We stared at it for a long time, imagining a tiny person sitting in it... very surreal!

In other news... it is finally warm in Pullman!!! Which means: beautiful flowers everywhere (tulips grow wild here)...

...and suntanning for the Nando.

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