Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 30

How far along?  30 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? Honestly, I have no idea anymore. Every site says something different. She is big enough to kick the crap out of me, but small enough to fit in my belly.
Maternity clothes?  Yes, save for a few random items that stretch.
Sleep: Touch and go. Sometimes I sleep pretty well, other times I toss and turn (which is not fun with this big ole belly), need to pee all the time, and then wake up around 5:30 or 6am and cannot go back to sleep. Needless to say, I need a nap.
Best moment this week: The nursery is really starting to come together!!! We still have art to make for the walls but even that is coming together quickly!! It is quickly becoming my favorite room in the house. Also, Austin and I had our anniversary this week and I cannot believe how much has happened/changed in a year!
Missing anything:  Being able to do normal things without being out of breath or so uncomfortable that it becomes impossible.  I miss having a waist and I miss sleep. I especially miss my San Diego friends and family but am SOOOOO excited that I get to see them so soon (fingers crossed)
Movement: YES. This chick is ACTIVE! She loves to push her head into my left side and then kick my right side with all her might. We played the music out of a couple toys my mom got us and she LOVED it! The entire time the songs played, she kicked kicked kicked, and as soon as the songs ended, she stopped. I think she is going to be just like her mama and love to dance around (let's hope she has better moves).
 Food cravings: Nope. I thought I would be craving crazy stuff this pregnancy but really, my appetite is the same as always. I love melon, but I always did, especially as it warms up here, and I want Lolitas with a passion. Mmmm. I also secured a trip to get some Greek food when I am home and seriously cannot wait to bathe myself in tzatziki sauce. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope. Though Austin has been using medicine on his nasty toe nail for the past few weeks (for those of you who don't know, Austin is exceptionally pretty... but everyone has to have a bit of ugly and all of his went straight to his nasty feet), and he told me some pretty disgusting details about the nail's progress this morning. I gagged.
Gender: Female
Labor Signs: NO WAY
Symptoms:  back pain, pain and discomfort from being kicked, elbowed, and head-butted all the time, my feet have been getting sore after walking around, still have my pregnancy cold, need to pee all the time, etc. I am pregnant.
Belly Button in or out?  FLAT.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy... I am getting more excited and nervous that we are going to be meeting her so soon (the c-section should be in 6 weeks) which is so weird and crazy. Also, I am in love, so that's nice. (you have to be cheesy around your anniversary, it's the rule).

Looking forward to: I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and am excited to tell her that there were no incidents on my trip to Vancouver. I am really hoping she feels comfortable with me going to San Diego!!!!!! I am also looking forward to Austin and I going on a big date tomorrow! I cannot wait to see my SD friends and family and cannot wait to meet Angie's baby girl Cece and give her a million kisses! I am also going to eat, laze around, have two awesome showers, and soak up time with the people I love!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Good.
Best moment of the week? I've had a lame week. (when notified that my best moment is our anniversary, he said that our big date tomorrow would be the best moment).
Food cravings? Still Indian food!!!
Looking forward to: Being done with math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and our date.

And now... what you all REALLY tune into this blog for:

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