Sunday, September 29, 2013

TWO MONTHS!!! (+5 days)

She just can't believe how time has flown!

(Mila is actually looking at the birds on her chair-- she loves when we tap them and they move)

I cannot believe we are already at two months!!!

The two month check up was...interesting.
Mila is perfectly healthy and growing normally, which is wonderful to hear.
Her hips show NO SIGN of hip dysplasia!!!

She enjoyed her appointment and was smiling at everyone who came in the room.
She had no idea what was to come.

Normally, six vaccines are given at this time, one oral and three shots 
(a couple vaccines are mixed into one)
they were out of the combined shots...
so our little lady had to have FIVE shots in her little legs!

I had Austin hold her because I knew I couldn't take it.
And I was right.
I've never heard her scream like was the worst thing ever. EVER.
Each shot was a new scream.

After, I held her and she calmed down. She was fine for the rest of the night, mostly just really sleepy with a couple random wake-ups where she suddenly remembered the pain in her teeny legs.

Aside from that:
Mila smiles all the time! She also laughed once in her massage class and it was the most adorable sound I have ever heard, but has not laughed again since.
Nothing is more funny than massage, apparently.

A friend from the class recommended a book called The Happiest Baby on the Block  for tricks to use when she cries for no apparent reason.
We call this reason "It is now 6pm"
This pediatrician uses the Five S method
2.side (hold baby on her side)
3. shhhh (I wasn't sure about this but it is magical)
4. jiggle (technically, the "s" is for shake, but it isn't a shake at all but a jiggle that she LOVES)
4. suck (she refuses a pacifier so we ignore this one)

Anyway, this has revolutionized our lives! We get to eat dinner, have breaks throughout the day... it is AMAZING!
Because of this, she now randomly loves her swing and will happily stay/nap in it for an hour or so!

Let's get down to the Mila specifics of our growing girl!

Mila Loves:
MUSIC and dancing, her cheeks being tickled, her swing, staring at the fireplace (this is not a joke), touching her toys that make noise or have different textures, riding in the car, getting her face massaged, bath time (she is just figuring out how to kick and splash), watching football on TV with her daddy (this is not a joke, she seriously loves it), watching the birds on her chair and the stars on her swing, sitting in her Bumbo chair ...

She talks all the time! She says "goo" and "aaboo" and loves watching our mouths move when we talk to her. It is super cute and I can't wait to hear what she has to say!

She has a perfect skullet (like a mullet, but more like a bald head in the front and long hair in the back)
The front is starting to fill in, but it is so blonde that it is hard to tell.

She likes to yell when she is pooping and then yells to celebrate a successful poop. 
It is hilarious.

Mila Doesn't Love:
bottles or pacifiers or any form of false nipple (she wants the real deal or nothing at all), the weather cooling down, too many kisses from Fernando (one is fine), not being able to see the fireplace, tummy time...

I am going to post a picture of her sitting in her Bumbo
HOWEVER, I just became aware of Fernando's perverted photo bomb.
Why he had to sit right there with that issue is beyond me.

Here is one from a few days later, sans perversion:

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