Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mila's New Room

For awhile now, I have been frustrated with Mila's room. 
I love the decor and the feel of the room, but something was off.
We had a queen size bed in there for a couple reasons: so it can double as a guest room, and also so that, in theory, we could sleep in there with her.
But, as she always sleeps downstairs in our room and we don't get too many visitors out here in Pullman, it seems useless.
I started to feel like Mila lived in the guest room.

More and more, she likes playing independently and would crawl in her room, grab some toys, but then only have a teeny bit of actual play space.

So... we took out the bed, bought a plush rug (so soft and I am in love with it), and made an awesome little play area for her.

Here she is enjoying it!

She loves to put animals in her chair, or sit in it with them, OR stand on it to look outside

Austin built some shelves for Mila's massive book collection and the room is finally complete!

I LOVE it!!!! 

She has such a great time in there... playing, pulling down books to read, talking to her animals, and rubbing her feet on the soft rug!
We love being in there too... the perfect place to get cozy and hang out while she has a blast.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mila in September

This was from a moment I will always treasure...
Austin and I wanted to watch a Muppet movie because, well, why wouldn't we??
Anyway, I sat on the other side of Mila and we each had our own bowl of popcorn as we snuggled and watched the movie. Her bowl is so teeny.
It was just a real family moment and I loved every second of it.
(she fell asleep about 30 minutes in)

The many faces of our silly girl...

She loves taking over the dog beds and surveying the scene. 
It doesn't matter if the dogs are in them or not.

 Here she is, wearing hair bow.

Austin was relaxing on the couch and Mila was signing desperately that she wanted to get up there with him. 
Once she did, she immediately climbed onto him, sat on his face, and then proceeded to explore his belly button.
She has no respect for her daddy.

In early September, we headed up to Shriner's Hospital in Spokane for a one year review of Mila's hip to make sure it had settled/developed properly.

We drove up, had some not-so-great Indian food, got some x-rays, and waited in the waiting room for approximately 30 seconds...
then we waited in the exam room for about 15 minutes...

then they came in and said that her hips were perfect, with absolutely NO SIGN of hip dysplasia! 

they said it might be a good idea to check again when she is three, but there is no indication or suspicion that anything would develop!

Very good news indeed!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

13 Months in August

I am really behind on this as (at the time of writing this post) Mila is just a couple weeks away from being 15 months old.... but whatever.

August was a big month in that Mila finally started being able to stand independently! 

She is definitely her own little person. She has things she needs to do, places she needs to go, and that's the end of it.

While in San Diego, Austin would play Baby Signing Time Youtube videos for her on my dad's tablet computer... and now she wants to watch videos on every device she sees. She points to phones, computers, tablets, etc and signs "baby" more and more vigorously.

Don't you love the pink pants with her mustache shirt? She is such a character!

San Diego Wedding Celebration

Austin and I could only afford a teeny, tiny wedding up in Portland.

My amazing mom generously offered to pay for us to have a second reception in San Diego with all of my California friends. I was so overwhelmed by this and couldn't believe what an wonderful job she did putting it all together!

technically, this is from the birthday party, but my mom deserves a major shout-out here!

It was a perfect day and I couldn't ask for anything more! 
A million thank yous to my mom for everything!!

Mila had a blast too... but definitely needed some recovery time afterwards