Saturday, April 27, 2013

Amazing Gift!

My Great (!) Aunt Nancy (my maternal grandma's sister), who is one of the most awesome ladies ever, made this amazing blanket for Mila!
She told me that she wanted to make something reminiscent of what my grandma would have made if she was still here.
It is so soft and pretty!

Aunt Nancy started working on this quilt the day after she found out I was pregnant!
What is so crazy about this is that she had no way of knowing the baby's sex and DEFINITELY had no way of knowing the nursery theme or color-scheme...
yet this quilt goes with the colors and theme PERFECTLY!

Mila is going to love it!!

 a bonus belly-in-the-quilt shot!

Thank you so much, Aunt Nancy for such an amazing gift!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 24

How far along?  24 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? just under a foot! the size of an ear of corn and just over a pound
Maternity clothes?  I can still wiggle into some non-maternity goodies but mostly, yes. I wore a shirt the other day that Austin thought made me look like a pistachio... oddly enough, he meant this as a compliment.
Sleep: Now that I have my body pillow, sleep is much much better! I have been making it through the night again but it might also have to do with still being so exhausted from a few days of pure stress/no sleep.
Best moment this week: Technically, I know it counts as week 23, but hearing her heartbeat when we were in the hospital was the best moment ever. Since then, I have had fun testing different music with her and each kick has a new significance.
Missing anything:  Now that I am on modified rest (pelvic rest) I miss being independent and not having to ask Austin to do basic things for me (taking out the trash, carrying books, etc).
Movement: OH YES! She really enjoys kicking, especially when I need to present in class or teach (which makes it hard to catch my breath). I imagine that she is practicing kung fu.
 Food cravings: Not really. I am always eager for cold water and would seriously love some San Diego Mexican food...mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nervousness about CPP and the realization of how much a c section is going to cost us.
Symptoms:  big ole belly. Still no stretch marks or swelling. I have back aches here and there and my feet get tired from lugging this weight, also, the weight of my belly is a little painful sometimes so my mom got me an awesome belly support system. It looks like I work in construction but it feels amazing-- she hates it and kicks like crazy when I wear it (I think because it squeezes her a bit). Also, I realized that I never mention her by name on here yet only do so when discussing her in real life or in conversation with other people----but her name is----- Mila!! It is a Ukranian/Russian name and I absolutely love it! Her middle name is Rebecca, after my mama.
Belly Button in or out?  in... I am pretty sure it has gotten deeper but Austin thinks that is wishful thinking.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, just worried. I am trying to concentrate on school and keeping myself healthy so I don't start Googling CPP. Also, do not ever Google "c section scar" --- I learned a horrible, horrible lesson.
Looking forward to: For one,  I am excited for this week to be over because I will be done with my last ever class (that I am taking). I only get a week off before summer teaching starts but I can definitely deal with working an hour and fifteen minutes a day teaching college freshmen. No sweat. Secondly, because my placenta previa googling has informed me (along with the doctor, so I am not totally insane) that premature birth is  major possibility if there is more bleeding, I am looking forward to each day that she stays in my belly without issue. My mom told me some stats about how her survival rate outside of the womb grows every single day (particularly in the next few weeks) after every day, I feel better. 35 weeks or bust!!! (hopefully 37)

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? fantastic!
Best moment of the week? yesterday I got to see her kick from the outside, which was pretty cool. She also stops moving lately when she hears my voice... we think she is listening. It was also awesome to get to see my family this last weekend and knowing that Sarah and the baby are okay.
Food cravings? Pita Pit. No, wait... just a pita.
Looking forward to: A lot of stuff. Being done with finals, enjoying summer- Pullman's little secret, finding out what Mila's personality is going to be like and if she is more like Sarah or more like me.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You down with CPP? (Yeah, you know me!)

Well, some interesting stuff has gone down in the past few days and I thought it would make sense to have it out in the open so you all can know all about our journey.

At our 20 week ultrasound, along with finding out that we are having a girl, we also learned that my placenta is not where it should be. Basically, the placenta normally attaches to the top or sides of the uterus, but mine is at the bottom, over my cervix. This is called Placenta Previa and is not really a good thing to have.

With Placenta Previa, if you were to go into natural labor and the cervix were to dilate, the placenta would be ripped badly- resulting in massive hemorrhaging for me, a dangerous birth for baby, and just a really bad time for everybody. Typically, women with CPP (Complete Placenta Previa) have to have c sections anywhere from week 35-37 as doctors can't risk the chance of going into natural labor. Along with this too comes the chance for bleeding if the placenta tears away from the uterus for any reason- if this bleeding becomes heavy enough, an emergency c section has to happen--- often with the baby needing to be injected with steroids beforehand to encourage lung development.

The doctor told me that there was a good chance it would migrate up and away from my cervix as my uterus grew and we would wait to see. In the meantime, I was put on pelvic rest: no real exercise, no lifting, just taking it easy while still living my normal life.

I didn't think about it too much because we figured it would migrate. We had another ultrasound scheduled for week 28 to check on it.

I was doing as I was told but, honestly, it is hard to remember to take it easy when you feel fine and when you are a graduate student/independent woman used to taking care of myself.

Anyway, Thursday night I was bustling around the house packing and cleaning for our trip to Vancouver/Portland. Admittedly, I was cognizant of the fact that I was not taking it easy at all, was lifting things I shouldn't have been lifting.

About 15 minutes later, I was in the shower and noticed a bit of blood. I turned off the water and blood started flowing. I screamed out for Austin and was absolutely terrified. I have never been so scared in my entire life and genuinely thought I was miscarrying. I knew Austin was just as scared but he held it together and calmly got me dressed and out the door.

We rushed to the hospital, both shaking uncontrollably, and into the ER at the Pullman hospital. The entire time, I held my stomach and hoped to feel her move, which she never did.

*side note: the Pullman hospital emergency room is one of the stupidest places ever in term of emergencies. They move at a small town pace, are difficult to find in the actual hospital, and don't really seem to have any sense of urgency. They told us to go to the birthing center, which we had to find on our own.

Back to our emergency: we walked into the birthing center and all I could get out was "I'm pregnant and I'm bleeding," before I started sobbing.

They took us into a birthing room and immediately connected me to monitors. It took a few seconds to find it, but the sound of our baby girl's strong heartbeat was the best thing I have ever heard in my whole life.

Of course, as soon as we heard her heartbeat, she started kicking again. They told us that her heartbeat was very strong and that she was a feisty kicker (as she continually kicked the monitors on my belly so hard that they had to be put back in place).

They also monitored to make sure that I wasn't contracting (thankfully, I was not). I told them about the Placenta Previa and an ultrasound confirmed that my placenta had moved up a tiny bit but was still there. It had ripped a bit, thus the bleeding.

I had to stay the night and Austin stayed too. He went home to finish an essay/ get his school stuff ready for the next day/ let Fernando out/ and get me a much-needed change of clothes and some toiletries.

They were really nice and Austin was weirdly excited that he was given access to a stocked fridge. More than anything, he just wanted chocolate milk. They checked on me and the baby every four hours, which meant no real sleep, but reassurance that she was okay.

My doctor confirmed that I will have to have a c section, ideally at 36-37 weeks, but it will depend on if I have a lot of bleeding episodes and how bad they are. My pregnancy is now a "high risk" exciting for us!

I was put on a more intensified pelvic rest and was told that I was not allowed to travel to Portland/Vancouver. I get it, traveling the day after spending the night in the hospital because you are bleeding is probably not a good idea, but I was super bummed.

I told Austin that he should still go and celebrate his dad's birthday, and I spent the weekend laying on the couch, snuggling with Fernando, and doing pretty much nothing but watching Netflix. Speaking of which, their original series Hemlock Grove, sucks. This did not stop me from watching 6 episodes. My mom, Austin, and Austin's mom checked on me all weekend, which was very sweet.

Baby girl is kicking and the pregnancy feels back to normal. I even played some albums for her with headphones pressed up to my belly. Here are some bands she seemed to like:

-Passion Pit
-Sigur Ros
-Clay Your Hands Say Yeah
-Yeah Yeah Yeahs

She was not a fan of more mellow folk, like Fleet Foxes, but I figured we could work on that.

ANYWAY, so pregnancy has now become a bit more of a challenge than we had anticipated and we are trying to figure out ways for Austin to help me carry student portfolios and anything relatively heavy I was planning to deal with by myself. Luckily, he is a gentleman and physically fit (and incredibly good looking, but that is another issue)

Our goal at this point is to take it easy and do whatever the doctor says in order to make it to 35 weeks. After that, everything is peaches and cream (anything before 35 weeks is more risky and would require us having to have the c section in Spokane, which is an hour and a half away).

Hopefully, we get a car seat at one of our showers so we aren't stranded somewhere and unable to take her home if she arrives at an unexpected time!

Fingers crossed that we have no more bleeding and that she continues to bake for at least another 11 weeks!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 23

How far along?  23 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? over a pound and over 11 inches long... she kicks like she weighs 15lbs.
Maternity clothes?  No, I shrunk and am now skinny.
Sleep: She is pretty still throughout the night but the weight of my belly is an adjustment. Plus, Austin AND Fernando snore. I ordered a body pillow to help with my belly and it is supposed to get here tomorrow... I eagerly await this.
Best moment this week: This week has been really hectic and difficult for me with a major issue that arose with my dissertation committee (the chair of my committee randomly came out with the fact that he is leaving WSU and can no longer be my chair-- very stressful). Otherwise, I am looking forward to judging a children's book contest on Friday and getting to go see Austin's family on Saturday. Also, Amber made the baby an ADORABLE hat and gloves set!
Missing anything:  sleeping soundly, not being so easily winded, not having a sore back...
Movement: all the time! She LOVES music and will kick like a wild woman if we play music or sing. She also seems to like when I dance around. She has a pretty apparent movement schedule (which entails not moving from midnight until about 7am, so let's hope that keeps up)
 Food cravings: Not really. I want Mexican food from home but really, more than anything, I crave cold water, which is very standard for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I had a random bout of nausea yesterday but nothing serious
Symptoms:  sore back, dizziness when I stand too quickly, needing to pee ALL THE TIME...
Belly Button in or out? in but the saddest looking thing you have ever seen.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy.
Looking forward to: finishing my work for the week, book judging, and our mini trip to Portland/Vancouver this weekend!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? fine, except when someone jabs me because I am snoring (EDITOR'S NOTE: Austin admitted earlier that he didn't even feel said jab. He is a liar.)
Best moment of the week? checking my math grade and seeing that it went up since my last exam (which I thought I bombed)
Food cravings? not really
Looking forward to: (Behind-the-scenes: I asked Austin this question, he stared blankly at me, yawned, looked at his computer, looked back at me, laughed at nothing, and then said...) I don't know. (This has been an exhausting week).

Also, because the weather here is so miserable and tricky (seems to get nice one day and then is freezing the next) I thought I would bring some joy to the world with some adorable shots of my Fernando love...

You're welcome.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 22

How far along?  22 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? 11 inches long!
Maternity clothes?  aside from a couple random larger shirts and sweaters, absolutely. This belly is not about to fit in regular pants, that's for sure. But I am madly in love with Old Navy maternity leggings and jeans, so comfy!
Sleep: back to waking up in the middle of the night. Also, because there was such a rapid belly growth in the past couple weeks, I am still adjusting to maneuvering this big ole ball around, which makes for not the best sleeping.
Best moment this week: FINALLY, people have asked me about my due date and it feels like it is totally out in the open. We had a doctor appointment and our little lady is totally healthy and doing well!  Also, my friend Anh just had her baby girl and she is adorable!--- made everything seem more real.
Missing anything:  being able to zip up my rain jacket!! I walked home in the rain today and ended up with a very wet belly. Austin seemed to like it.
Movement: YES! This chick LOVES to kick and do aerobics! I can only imagine what my life is going to be like when she is bigger and doing these same moves.
 Food cravings: I am at the dangerous point in pregnancy when everything sounds good.... literally everything. I really want carne asada from home but also want a good BLT, a burger, these veggie baked chips things that I LOVE....mmmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Sadly, no. I get really dizzy when I get up but that is it.
Gender: GIRL!! 
Symptoms: big belly, big boobs, no swelling (thankfully), bladder being squished, random lower back pain...
Belly Button in or out?  In and holding its shallow ground.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy. The semester is winding down, so there is that stress, but then I begin teaching the day after finals week, so there is that to look forward to. I am very much looking forward to mid-June when I can finally relax until she makes her grand debut.
Looking forward to: Going to Vancouver/Portland next weekend, the end of the this semester, sleeping in this weekend, maybe lunch with the girls Friday... life in Pullman is really out of control.

Austin’s weekly reflection: (Austin is currently studying for a big math test that he has to take tonight so I will answer these based on what I have observed)
Sleep? Good- Fernando got sick and pukey in the middle of the night last night, but Austin jumped up and cleaned up the puddles (note the plural) and was promptly rewarded with a sloppy, sticky kiss from Fernando's pukey mouth.
Best moment of the week? a couple hours from now when he is done with his math test.
Food cravings?  he seems to want ice cream
Looking forward to: refer to best moment of the week.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nursery Inspiration

So, basically, the theme for the nursery will be a sort of hot air balloon/kite theme

Below are some of the inspirations and thoughts...

 In this, I love a lot of the colors and the bold black and white accent.
 We won't have nearly as much white but we are planning on having light grey walls with very colorful accents

This is sort of the hyper-bold version of the colors scheme 
I love the aqua with coral and yellow- but there is a definite need for some stripes and I think this is too much color on the walls 

We love this sort of print for a collage of wall art.
 Think subtle walls with bold,colorful accents. We would make these ourselves and make sure to use colors we like. 

I LOVE this idea! 
Obviously, it would be a little odd to have a random fox hanging out, so I am thinking of trying to make this basic idea but as a hot air balloon.
 It would be such a cute lamp for the dresser/changing table. 

Another really fun DIY project!
I am trying to find the right mobile, but I think it could be cute to make something like this in our color scheme... 
we shall see how craft I am feeling 

More wall art inspiration!
I love the way the kite strings dangle
We also talked about incorporating more of the triangle flags into the design 

I love this so much and would love for someone (who is feeling crafty)
 to make one for our little lady
using much brighter colors, of course! 

This is more fem than I am thinking 
especially as we want more corals than pinks (this will NOT be a pink child)
But the color scheme is pretty close to what we are thinking
(also minus the ruffles) 

More fun wall decor!
I love the pops of color!
We are thinking of using canvas and these things (embroidery hoops??) for all of the wall art 

Minus the animals, another fun way to incorporate color/pattern

Friday, April 5, 2013

let the shopping begin...

prepare yourselves for next year's little red riding hood...

I am so oddly excited about these!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 21

How far along?  21 weeks and 5 days
Size of Baby? the size of a large carrot (how random is that?)-- about 10.5 inches long
Maternity clothes?  indeed.  At this point, there is no denying this belly. I am very obviously pregnant.
Sleep: We are back to having to get up in the middle of the night to pee. Horray.
Best moment this week: On Monday, my mom, Austin, and I were sitting around and I felt her kicking so I pressed against the spot with my hand. Suddenly, I felt her kick with my hand! Austin put his hand in the same spot and felt it too! My mom even got a nice kick to the hand! She is kicking more and more everyday (which actually makes getting through class somewhat uncomfortable) but it is exciting to have her movements be so real!
We also went clothes shopping and got our little lady some really cute outfits!
Missing anything:  Not getting so easily winded. Also, having a more stable center of gravity.
Movement: see comments on best moment of the week.
 Food cravings: none really this week. I am thirsty all the time but that has been normal throughout this pregnancy.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender Predictions:  GIRL!!!! It was so wonderful getting to see her cute little face (she was sleeping during the ultrasound-- in a position I tend to sleep in, I might add)
Belly Button in or out? incredibly shallow but holding strong.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy. I admit that this changing body is a bit of a challenge for me as I have so recently lost so much weight and was finally feeling pretty confident about my body...and now I look like I am smuggling a ball under my shirt. But I am happy that she is growing steadily and also that the weight seems to be totally contained to my belly 
Looking forward to: sleeping in tomorrow.

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? fantastic
Best moment of the week? feeling her kick!
Food cravings? ice cream!
Looking forward to: being able to see her kick and not just feel it!

Here are some of the cute clothes we got for our little lady!

little overalls!
cutest little shorts EVER!!
romper time!!
I LOVE this little apple outfit

And here is our happy little fam...with Fernando's feet rested firmly on his baby sister 
(and my boob)