Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 16

How far along?  16 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? From crown to butt, 4.5 inches long! Which is the length of a good-size avocado
Maternity clothes?  I have made more purchases and am completely unable to fasten my normal jeans. I am still living in leggings, jeggings, and tights… but I have worn maternity shirts a couple times just because they are so soft and extra long
Sleep: same as usual, no more nightmares but definitely tired of my 3am runs to the bathroom
Best moment this week: I know it sounds weird, but I was lifting weights (with Austin as my trainer) and he was staring at my belly in profile and told me that he loved the shape of my belly. Awe. Also, buying the crib was awesome—made it feel very real. And feeling MUCH better.
Missing anything:  fitting my pants and not having to pee all the time. I left a 75 minute class twice, TWICE, to pee.
Movement: no, but I am so anxious and excited to feel something that I think I am imagining it
Food cravings: nothing really, just always want melon and citrus
Anything making you queasy or sick:  not so much.
Gender Predictions: still not sure and DYING to know!
Labor Signs: I should just delete this question for another 15 weeks.

Symptoms:  HUGE boobs, growing belly, firm belly, constant need to pee
Belly Button in or out? In, but a definite sad face and fodder for many jokes
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY!
Looking forward to: building the crib, knowing the sex… in the meantime, we have an appointment on Monday and I LOVE getting to hear the heartbeat

Also, that is a fold in my baggy shirt, NOT back fat. Just to clarify.

 Nando had to get in on the belly action... or he was protecting the belly. Unsure.

Austin’s weekly reflection:

Sleep? It’s been good…good.
Best moment of the week? Whenever Sarah tries to suck in her belly because she feels fat, but she can’t. HAHAHAHA
Food cravings? No more than usual. (AKA, everything.)
Gender prediction? Still pretty confident that it is going to be a girl. my whole family thinks so too.
Looking forward to: putting the bed together in the nursery (for guests and late-night exhaustion) getting the nursery ready, building the crib. I am really looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby. I am also not having any more crazy baby dreams (which we didn’t share on here because they were too weird), I just dream about math.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Have something to say?

I JUST realized, after receiving numerous complaints that comments weren't going through, that I had set up the blog to only allow comments from registered users. I am not even sure what that means.

Anyway, I changed the settings! Feel free to comment away (especially if it is about the cuteness of any of the following: Fernando, Austin's beard, etc).

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Crib!

After MUCH research and debating back and forth different styles and colors, we finally decided on a crib (and ordered it)!!

This is the Graco Sarah model (um, destiny??) in a deep espresso color. 

What is super cool about this crib, besides the great ratings and affordability, is that it is convertible. It will work for an infant, a toddler, a normal child's bed, and then also becomes a headboard when this kid wants to be all grown up.

This is the first major purchase! We have also mapped out how the nursery will be placed... now we just need to know the sex so that we can determine the style!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 15

How far along?  15 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? An orange… I am beginning to think that these fruit comparisons are not making sense.
Maternity clothes?  I bought some items (jeans and shirts) but I am not wearing them yet. Still in jeggings, leggings, and tights
Sleep: good—still getting up at 3am to pee. Also, I have had some weird dreams about the baby. One night, I had numerous dreams where the baby (a girl who was adorable with giant green eyes and strawberry blonde hair) refused to eat, grew too fast and was the size of a giant, was a kitten…
Best moment this week: Scheduling my 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex!! Also, I only had ONE pregnancy migraine this week and finally have an appetite!
Missing anything:  looking skinny.
Movement: Not yet but I am ready!
Food cravings: I FINALLY got melon so I am happy as a clam.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I ate some avocado and it went well and am currently cooking beef for dinner… hopefully that goes okay
Gender Predictions: I really don’t know but I want to know NOW!!!!
Labor Signs: NO

Symptoms:  getting bigger and ALWAYS thirsty. Also, I have a stuffy nose every morning, which apparently is common. Weird.
Belly Button in or out? In but looking more and more like a sleepy eye every day.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY!
Looking forward to: finding out the sex and finally starting to get the nursery started!

Austin’s weekly reflection:

Sleep? Good. I could use more.
Best moment of the week? (Austin had to be reminded that this blog is about the pregnancy and not about his academic career) cuddling in bed every night this week with Sarah and watching Bob’s Burgers.  (and accidentally shaving his head because he didn’t realize that the guard was off)
Food cravings? Noodles. I always want noodles. And a donut sounds good.
Gender prediction? I think it’s a girl.
Looking forward to? I am looking forward to taking the baby to the park down the street (a park specifically designed for toddlers). I am also looking forward to carrying the baby in a front pack!

apparently, Fernando doesn't like oranges.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fernando the Protector

Austin and I have both noticed that Fernando has been acting strangely since right around the time we found out that we were going to be having a baby. 

I mean, he is always a little strange, but he has been hyper-paranoid and protective:

- If ANYONE (including small children) walk on the street/sidewalk, Fernando goes crazy and barks at them
- If anyone drives on the street, Fernando growls and stands at attention until they are gone
-When I take a shower, he waits directly outside the bathroom door (he usually either stays asleep on the couch or waits on the bed 
-He normally enjoys cuddling on me with his head on my chest, now he ONLY wants to cuddle with his head on my belly
- If someone comes to the door, he goes insane (like normal) but if I open the door to speak with him/her, he basically has a physical fit and panics until the person becomes worried and asks if he is okay and if he or she should leave.

These are just some of the interesting changes we have noticed.

Anyway, I wondered if maybe he was aware of the changes going on and I found several interesting articles that explain that dogs are very in tune with hormones and pheromones and know the smells of pregnancy.

Fernando, after being with me for almost 5 years now, is protecting me and his future best friend/mortal enemy in the quest for attention! How cute is that?

In other news: I FINALLY got some watermelon (I ate a small one by myself) and bought a honeydew melon and I feel that all is well with the world.

We also got a couple requests for Austin to answer more specific questions in his weekly reflections. He has been briefed on this change and is ready and willing to thrill you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

2013 will be filled with LOVE...

...especially in August!!!

We're having a baby!!!!

Our little Valentine was a total surprise but we are beyond excited!!

He or she is due August 10th
We are currently wrapping up our 14th week of pregnancy
It still doesn't feel real!

The above ultrasound was from 4 weeks ago
We will have another in week 20
(where we will find out if we are going to be welcoming a mini Sarah or a mini Austin) 
Fernando will just want to lick it and cuddle, regardless 

Please read the entries below and be a part of our ongoing journey!

and here are some outtakes of our Valentine's Day shoot (taken 3 weeks ago) because everyone needs more pictures of Fernando in a hot pink snuggie

"I'm gonna be a big brother!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 14

How far along?  14 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? a lemon! yum! it is a bit confusing because i could have sworn that a peach is bigger than a lemon but I guess it depends on the specific fruit.  It's 2013, so we should be careful not to generalize all fruit.
Maternity clothes?  No, but I have made some purchases in anticipation 
Sleep: I've actually made it through the entire night for a few nights in a row! Granted, when I wake up, I am in PAIN, but still.
Best moment this week: We are officially freeing the news from the closet on Valentine's Day so I am excited in anticipation of that. Otherwise, one of the best moments was getting to talk to my bonus moms after they heard the news.
Missing anything:  Being comfortable in regular jeans.
Food cravings: Not really anything this week. I still want watermelon but I have accepted that this is not going to happen. Also, Austin got me a burrito so, that was pretty amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the thought of a steak or avocado. both of these make me very sad.
Gender Predictions: as long as it is one or the other, I am good to go. 
Labor Signs: No! I am going to be freaking out and probably not blogging when this answer changes!
Symptoms:  BLOATED and my back is aching
Belly Button in or out? IN!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy as a clam.
Looking forward to: People knowing, my mom visiting in a few weeks (to be here to find out the sex), not just looking like a chunky monkey. I am in that awkward stage of not looking pregnant but not looking like my normal self. 

Austin’s weekly reflection: I am excited for people to KNOW! I'm thinking about all of the things we need to buy and I am excited to get the nursery ready. I just realized that we need a car seat the leave the hospital... I seriously just realized this. It's been pretty easy so far. Sarah still cries randomly sometimes but it's usually about something on TV so we both laugh it off.

We can't leave Fernando out of the belly pics!

to birthing gown or not to birthing gown...

Let me explain:

I was watching an episode of Baby Story and the mommy-to-be was bare naked (save a sports bra) squatting all over the place.

Then I watched another couple episodes and, although the positions changed, the nakedness did not. 

This got me to thinking...

Hospital gowns are really uncomfortable. I am guessing that this is why these mama's keep stripping them off and going full on commando.

As shameless as I am, I do not intend to have my naked ass squatting and pushing and rolling all over the place. I mean, I have to maintain some dignity, right?

Anyway, this got me to thinking about labor and delivery gowns. I think I might want to sport one, but there are things to consider:

-washable fabric
-practical for squeezing a human out of myself
-cute for pictures
-offers booby support of some kind
-allows for boobs to be freed when the time comes
-won't be destroyed when a lil naked, steamy, sticky person is placed on my chest (the baby...not Austin, in case you were confused)

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this??

Friday, February 8, 2013

a little kiss to say goodbye to a stressful week

Week 13

How far along? 13 weeks and 6 days (today is the last day of the 13th week)
Size of Baby? a small peach! one of the books also gave the size as a medium shrimp, but that was so much less cute and so much more difficult to imagine.
Maternity clothes?  no, but jeggings and leggings are my best friends. 

Sleep: I am sleeping fine but always have to get up around 3 or 4 in the morning to pee. It has become routine, at this point.
Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and hearing that everything looks perfectly healthy. I got to hear the heartbeat again too, which blows my mind. I want a long recording of it and would love to sit around listening to it beat all day.

Missing anything: being able to wear normal jeans without looking like the queen of muffin top.
Movement: nope

Food cravings: I have always been someone with intense cravings so I don't really know if it is related to the pregnancy, but I really want a burrito, watermelon, and any kind of melon, really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: the idea of eating beef, ugh. 
Gender Predictions: Austin still thinks it is a girl... I go back and forth.
Labor Signs: no, THANKFULLY!

Symptoms: getting bigger in the belly and boobs, random bouts of nausea here and there. Migraines still continue to make my days difficult.
Belly Button in or out? In, though starting to change shape a bit with the growing of my belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: content... still cry easily. My moments of irritation are definitely a bit more dramatic than normal.
Looking forward to: feeling the baby move and finding out the sex!! also, I look forward to being obviously pregnant in appearance rather than just uncomfortably bloated.


Austin’s weekly reflection: (Austin is finishing one of the most stressful weeks at school and, when asked about his weekly reflection, while in the midst of taking an online math test and having just finished three major exams in one day, said: "I don't know... I just want this week to be over") At least he managed a smile for the belly pic!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Oh...so I'm not just a cow!

Today was very productive and reassuring for this pregnant gal!

1. I applied for and got approved for WIC! Basically, for those of you not in the poor-person-know, the one benefit to making barely any money as a graduate student is that I am qualified to receive government assistance. WIC gives us vouchers for healthy foods every month, offers breast feeding counselors and support groups, and a ton of other awesome resources! This is going to be a tremendous help!

2. I had another exam, now that we are in the 13th week and second trimester(!!!!), and my doctor, after allowing me to listen to the healthy heartbeat again, asked if I had noticed that I had to pee a lot (more than the books say I should) and that I was already showing a little bit. 

Of course I had noticed.

Austin thinks my growing belly is adorable (and a little funny that pants bring so much discomfort) and more and more people are noticing my gigundo boobs. ANYWAY, it turns out, my uterus tilts far forward, so she said that my bladder is being squished more than most people at my stage and that I will show early. 

And I just thought I was a pudgy mess.

Turns out, I have only gained 1.5 pounds in three weeks. 

Also, I sent my mom the link to this blog and, after noticing my definite baby bump said, "Damn those are some big ole boobs! Congratulations on that!" Haha

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 12

How far along?  12 weeks and 2 days (at time of picture)
Size of Baby? The size of a lime!
Maternity clothes?  No, but I am definitely feeling bloated. Jeggings have become my best friend
Sleep: I am sleeping fine but wake up at least once a night to go to the bathroom… I feel like I have to pee ALL THE TIME
Best moment this week: we finished telling immediate family this week and everyone is super supportive! A couple weeks ago, we got to hear the heartbeat, which was so surreal and strange. Then, that Friday, we got to see an ultrasound. The baby was kicking its little legs, stretching out, getting cozy, and looking so snuggly. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen… though it felt like we were looking someone else’s baby on TV or something.
Missing anything:  We celebrated the 12th week by, after TONS of research, going out for sushi, which I had been missing like crazy. Obviously, I was very particular about what kind of fish and whether or not it was cooked. A major craving had been satisfied and left me happy all week!
Movement: nope.
Food cravings: sushi (like always), burritos, and watermelon. Not together, though.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  sadly, the idea of eating avocado makes me feel a bit queasy. Also, beef sounds horrifying.
Gender Predictions: Austin thinks it is a girl. I don’t care either way, but I have had only two dreams about this baby and in both, it was a boy.
Labor Signs: NO WAY!
Symptoms:  bloated, crazy cramp in calf, migraines are out of control, random bouts of nausea (literally lasts about 10 minutes and has happened twice in the past week)
Belly Button in or out? In, hopefully it will stay that way.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I am totally normal most of the time, pretty much everything makes me cry though (commercials, songs, TV shows…)
Looking forward to: getting this blog up and running and telling more of our friends! We are planning a Valentine’s Day announcement!

Austin’s weekly reflection: I am really impatient and want to know what the sex is! I find myself getting emotional at the idea of having a baby, which I never thought would happen to me. In my human development class, we watched a birthing video and I found myself getting teary-eyed, knowing that we would be there in a few months.  I spend a lot of time looking online for baby clothes and toys. I am really excited!!