Saturday, March 30, 2013

And the baby is....

 What could it be????? 
Girl or Boy?????

 It's a Girl!!!!!!!

We are so excited to welcome a little lady (which EVERYBODY predicted)!!
We have already gone shopping and I am dying to show off her adorable growing wardrobe!
We learned at our 20 week ultrasound that she is very healthy and a sizable personality
 (AKA, at 20 weeks 6 days, she is the size of a 21 week and 4 day baby)

Also, she will NOT be wearing a lot of pink
 nor will she be referred to as a princess!!

Horray for our little lady!!!

 Fernando was clearly not amused by this photo shoot. 
He doesn't care about having a little sister, only whether or not she likes to spill food.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 20

How far along?  20 weeks and 5 days
Size of Baby? about 10.5 inches from head to toe! the whole body is measured from now on!
Maternity clothes?  you had better believe it.
Sleep: school stress makes sleep difficult, as does a Fernando pressing his body up against your spine. Also, the baby moves a lot at night, which can make it tricky to get comfortable.
Best moment this week: my mom is here and gets to see my belly!! I told her that it looks different in person but I don't think she believed me. Also... tomorrow we FINALLY get to find out the sex!!!!! I can't wait!!
Missing anything:  eating all the sushi I want.
Movement: definitely! It moves around quite a bit after about 8pm and then usually around 11am. I have felt clear kicks that feel like finger pokes from inside. The other day, Austin got close to my belly and said excitedly, "Hey, baby!" and the baby instantly started moving all over the place.
 Food cravings: Lolitas Mexican... and my mom brought some to me!! Also, watermelon, vanilla cake, the usual delicious items.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nope.
Gender Predictions:  even Josh has admitted that he thinks it's a girl so that means that every single person that has made a prediction has predicted female. I am so curious to find out if people are right and to start really thinking of this little person by name! CANNOT WAIT!!!!!

Symptoms:  I think I hate this question.
Belly Button in or out?  SHALLOW. I think I have another week, MAYBE TWO, left with any semblance of an actual normal belly button.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy.
Looking forward to: TOMORROW!!!!! If it is a boy, I have my eye on the cutest suit ever. If it is a girl, the rompers at Old Navy will have no idea what hit them!! Also, I can't wait to see how different the baby looks from the 10 week ultrasound!

Becky’s  weekly reflection:
Sleep? good, fine.
Best moment of the week? Coming to see Austin and Sarah and getting to see how happy they are...and seeing Sarah glow!
Food cravings? sangria.
Gender prediction? I have absolutely no idea. I never knew with my own children and don't know with this one, but I am going to be thrilled either way.
Looking forward to: tomorrow!! I am excited to find out the sex but also just to see the sonogram and getting to see it move around!!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Fantastic and wish I had more!
Best moment of the week? Picking up Becky at the airport! And finishing my math early!
Food cravings? Blizzards from DQ
Gender prediction? still a girl, along with everybody else.
Looking forward to: finding out the gender!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 19

How far along?  19 weeks and 4 days!
Size of Baby? 6 inches long from butt to crown
Maternity clothes?  Yes, sadly. In my mind, I was going to make it nearly the entire pregnancy without having to wear maternity clothes. But I was an idiot. And now I have a slight maternity clothes shopping addiction. As soon as it gets a bit warmer, I am going to FLAUNT THIS BELLY! Whoo!
Sleep: not this week, nope. I put my head on the pillow and instantly start going over everything I need to do before the baby arrives
Best moment this week: Austin and I realizing how pregnant I am starting to look (rather than just chubby)
Missing anything:  My youth. Just kidding.
Movement: Yes! A couple days ago, it felt like someone gently poked me with a finger—FROM THE INSIDE!! I can only assume, from the size and pressure of it, that it was a stretching foot/leg. It made me really happy. I like to think that this little person is super cozy in there, especially as it is so cold and windy out here! Enjoy the warmth, little nugget!
 Food cravings: I was basically going insane in my need for a vanilla cupcake, but this craving was satisfied with a trip to the local cupcake shop. Austin satisfied his frozen yogurt craving as well.  Otherwise, fruit/melon is always delicious and refreshing!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender Predictions:  It might be because everyone keeps saying it (literally everyone except my brother, Josh, who refers to the baby as his nephew, and also my mom because she doesn’t seem to want to make predictions) but I referred to the baby as a “she” the other day. Only one more week and we will know!!! (Having to wait till week 20 to know is a total pain!)
Symptoms:  there is a baby in my belly… so I think that is a pretty major symptom.
Belly Button in or out?  In but SHALLOW… I don’t know when that happened but my normally deep belly button has transformed from a well to a puddle.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! Honestly, I have so much school work to do that I don’t have time to be cranky or moody. Gotta get work done!
Looking forward to: My mom comes to town on Tuesday, which I am really excited about! Then, one week and less than 2 days from this moment, we will FINALLY know the sex!!!! I can’t wait!! Also, it is spring and I LOVE Pullman in the spring! Flowers bloom everywhere and it smells amazing! I saw some of my first blooms today (bright yellow and purple) and it made me super happy!

Austin’s weekly reflection: Austin is not having the best week at school (not happy to be back from spring break) and is doing math homework as I ask questions. In other words, he is not in the best of spirits.
Sleep? Good. Need more.
Best moment of the week? It’s been a crap week at school so… I dunno.
Food cravings? No.
Gender prediction? Same as every time.
Looking forward to: Seeing Becky! Can’t wait to finally know the sex of the baby too!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week 18

see? eyebrows.

How far along?  18 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? From head to butt, the size of a green pepper!
Maternity clothes? maternity jeans and leggings. I also have developed a slight addiction to maternity clothes shopping… I hope for this to change to baby shopping once we know the sex.
Sleep: uncomfortable lately. I make it through the night but have some trouble getting comfortable as my back has been hurting and Fernando wants to sleep where my legs need to go.
Best moment this week: this week (spring break) has been really wonderful for me in terms of getting to sleep and relax a bit. But one of the best moments was when Fernando scared the baby and it jumped/moved around. So surreal but really awesome!
Missing anything:  funky cheeses and having a large wardrobe.
Movement: more and more every day! Apparently, he or she scares easily too!
 Food cravings: watermelon, fruit in general, and I am starting to think more and more about carne asada, but since none is available, I shall just stuff my face with melon.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  not really.
Gender Predictions:  I don’t know and it is killing me!!! Week 20 cannot come fast enough!!
Symptoms:  belly getting bigger and bigger
Belly Button in or out?  In and funny
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY! I haven’t really been moody at all, which is good.
Looking forward to: a few more days of relaxation before school starts back up, my mom coming in a couple weeks, and FINALLY knowing the sex!!! It will be so wonderful to refer to the baby by name or gender pronoun rather than “it” or “the little person.”

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Terrible since I hurt my back yesterday (he is digging a trench outside and pulled a muscle… I am now nurse Sarah)
Best moment of the week? Fernando scaring the baby. Sarah and I went out to dinner tonight and her belly is getting so big! It’s adorable.
Food cravings? ROOTBEER FLOATS!!
Gender prediction? Still a girl.
Looking forward to: finishing some yard work this break, and seeing how Sarah’s belly grows.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fernando: Terrifier of Unborn Babies

I was sitting quietly on the couch and reading. Austin was outside digging a trench (and subsequently hurt his back and had to crawl around-- he is now much better). ANYWAY, I was sitting peacefully and Fernando came in and cuddled with me on the couch.

For no apparent reason, out of nowhere, Fernando barked insanely loud and SCARED THE BABY!!!

I felt my entire uterus shift, like a jump and then tiny flail... I could just picture this teeny person, sleeping happily, and then BARK-- sheer terror!

It was one of the strangest sensations ever! I have definitely never felt anything like that and it took about 10 minutes for my belly to settle afterwards.

Scaring babies in-utero is pretty impressive. Way to go, Nando.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shitty Mom, Awesome Gift!

My friend, Amber, surprised me with this awesome book and I am super excited to read it!

Chapters/sections include:

  • Your Children Want to Ruin You
  • Road trip with your kids: multiply how bad you think it will be by a thousand, then add a million
  • How to leave your baby in the car while you dash into the 7-11
  • How to drop off your sick kid at daycare before the teacher figures it out
  • How to hand off a newborn who just filled a diaper
  • Yes, the babysitter is judging you
I mean, come on!

Granted, I won't have time to read anything other than literary theory for the next few months, but I view this book as a light at the end of the tunnel!

Thanks, Amber!! I know you'll be a shitty mom too someday!

Week 17

Also, my shirt is super large because I am unsure how to dress this growing belly. Don’t judge me. I’ve actually lost weight in my legs and have only gained 4 pounds!

How far along?  17 weeks and 5 days
Size of Baby? From crown to butt, 5.5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces!
Maternity clothes?  I thought I could resist, and while tights and leggings are fine, my normal jeans refuse to close (and makeshift closing mechanisms like hair ties and elastic belts just aren’t doing the trick) so…yes, I am wearing maternity jeans. And they are the most comfortable things in the entire world. I may never go back…
Sleep: sleeping well, had a crazy set of nightmares last night but I think that has more to do with stress from school
Best moment this week: going to the doctor and hearing that everything is progressing as normal. Hearing the heartbeat brings me so much happiness and relief.
Missing anything:  regular jeans.
Movement: I felt some bubbles in my uterus! It was so weird! I have felt them a couple times now and look forward to more obvious movement!
 Food cravings: watermelon, lemonade, watermelon-lemonade.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  How much I need to read for my exams in the fall.
Gender Predictions:  I go back and forth. Austin still thinks it is a girl but refers to it as a boy all the time so, who knows. My brother, Josh, keeps asking how his nephew is doing… I seriously cannot wait to find out!! Only a couple more weeks!!
Symptoms:  belly is bigger by the day,  some migraines, feeling a bit physically exhausted (again, could just be from school), and still needing to pee ALL THE TIME.
Belly Button in or out?  In and looking wonky.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy! I had a breakdown this week because the pressure of all of my PhD exam stuff + a dying computer +endless amount of reading + needing to prepare nursery/guest room + work stuff + being in school + needy students + being pregnant = a meltdown with tears.  But that was less than 30 minutes of my week so it hardly counts.
Looking forward to: SPRING BREAK! We have the next week off (technically starts tonight for me after the young adult lit class I assist with) and I desperately need some R&R

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Good. Excited to finally get to sleep in!
Best moment of the week? Finally finished my midterms! Also, it was the realization that I am becoming a mushy person. We watched a video in class about childcare and when a mother dropped in unexpectedly, her kid was so excited to see her… it almost made me cry. I don’t know what is happening to me.
Food cravings? Empanadas! We are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the beginning of spring break!
Gender prediction? I just want to play catch with my kid, but I will do that with either.
Looking forward to: putting the crib together and getting the basic set up of the nursery ready to go. And spring break!! There are a lot of things I plan on doing around the house (dig a trench, clean the office, organize the nursery, clean out the garden beds…)