Tuesday, July 30, 2013

One Week of Mila

Mila is here!!!

In fact, she is one week old today!!!!

I promise to type up a birth story soon 
(I want to say tomorrow, but I have not been doing so well with set schedules this week)

In the meantime, here are some pictures of our beautiful one week old girl!

Mila loves:
BOOBIES, nursing, sleeping, milk, explosive and loud poops, touching her daddy's beard, looking around the room calmly,  and rubbing her hands together like Dr. Evil

Mila is not so fond of:
kisses from Fernando on her face, being posed for pictures, not getting a boob when she wants a boob, feeling cold down comforters, and changing clothes

She is the sweetest little lady and makes the cutest noises.

She has one dimple on her right cheek.

She often kicks and then holds her legs straight in the air.

Austin and I are madly in love and could spend hours on end staring at her.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 37

How far along?  37 weeks 2 days
Size of Baby? according to websites, about 6.5 pounds and 19 inches long. I guess we will find out for certain tomorrow!
Maternity clothes?  yup
Sleep: Not last night and certainly not tonight... or ever again.
Best moment this week: I cannot believe we are here. We have made it to full term (which no one was totally sure would happen)... and tomorrow we finally get to meet our little girl. It is so surreal.
Missing anything:  bending, being able to move around freely...
Movement: She has been doing some yoga to prepare for her arrival tomorrow.
 Food cravings: sushi, melon, my mom brought me some Lolitas burritos (amazing), but honestly am too nervous to really think about food all that much
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nervousness for tomorrow
Gender: DIVA
Labor Signs: some Braxton Hicks contractions
Symptoms:  Swollen and waddling
Belly Button in or out?  flat as a pancake.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but definitely feeling the anxiousness and nerves taking over.

Looking forward to: I have wanted to be a mom as long as I can remember, and I honestly never thought it would happen. I can't believe she will be here in less than 15 hours. I can't wait to see her and meet her and hold her... I am so overwhelmed with every emotion that I don't think I can really explain how I am feeling. July 23rd is going to be the craziest and best day ever!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 36

How far along?  36 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? according to websites, over 6 pounds. I honestly have no real idea, but we will find out VERY VERY soon.
Maternity clothes?  I'm on vacation, so mostly large or maternity tanks and comfy shorts. Otherwise, of course.
Sleep: it varies. Sometimes I sleep wonderfully but mostly I am up all the time to pee and adjust my large, heavy belly.
Best moment this week: We finally finished the nursery!!!! Also, my mom comes into town on Friday and then our little lady will be here in one week.. which is the craziest thing ever. EVER.  I cannot believe we have made it this far and I cannot believe that this is my last week without her here.
Missing anything:  Being able to move around easily
Movement: She is rolling around and stretching out, much like an athlete before the game.
 Food cravings: Not really, but I really want some Mexican food (please understand that by Mexican food, I mean the food that most closely resembles Mexican food)-- hopefully Austin is feeling better tonight than he was this morning. UPDATE: we went and it was yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender: Turtle.
Labor Signs: Some Braxton-Hicks contractions here and there but otherwise, not at all. (UPDATE: there was a sign of labor, but it was gross and I don't really want to discuss it) haha
Symptoms:  I am very very pregnant.
Belly Button in or out?  flat but sometimes slightly in.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy. I am oddly focused on getting the house ready.
Looking forward to: Pseudo-Mexican food?? My mom is coming on Friday and then Saturday marks FULL TERM!!! Technically, because the c section is scheduled for early in the morning, we are less than a week away. I am every emotion in the book but excitement is definitely taking over! I can't wait to see her face, to smell her skin, to hear her little noises, and to get to meet my daughter!!!!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Last night was terrible because I had a really bad migraine and couldn't sleep.
Best moment of the week? (Austin is currently on a philosophical tangent/tirade about when his best moment might be and that he cannot commit to declaring a best moment until the calendar week is over)
Food cravings? nothing anymore (we just had a delicious meal). I just had tacos, I didn't even know I was craving tacos, but I was.

Looking forward to: Making it to Tuesday, hopefully nothing bad happens until then. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! I am looking forward to meeting my baby girl!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 35

How far along?  35 weeks and 3 days!!!!
Size of Baby? BIG. According to baby blogs/sites, she is about 20 inches long and weighs about 5.5 lbs. HOWEVER, my doctor, upon feeling her in my belly, says that Mila is the size of a 38 week baby... so, who knows what that actually means. She feels massive and is heavy.
Maternity clothes?  Yup. Though, because I am on break, it is mostly big tank tops that stretch over my belly and some comfy shorts.
Sleep: Varies. I slept amazingly the night before last, but last night was awful. My belly is so heavy that it hurts my back and squishes my bladder.
Best moment this week: The fact that we have hit the 35 week mark is absolutely incredible!!!! Also, we finally hung art in the nursery and are ALMOST done!! Basically, I just need to organize and figure out what to do with random items that had been stored in the room previously.
Missing anything:  Having a waist, being able to walk Fernando without being out of breath, being able to bend, being able to lift things, being able to get comfy...
Movement: Pretty much most of the time. She likes to tap her toes and stretch her head as deep into my side as possible.
 Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender: Lady.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms:  At the end of the day, my back and feet are absolutely killing me. I also have some random/intense pain in my hips.
Belly Button in or out?  Flat but in-ish
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy... though I admit that the terror is growing. I woke up this morning, looked at the clock, and realized that in two weeks from that moment, she would be here-- like, actually out of my belly and in the world. While this is exciting and unbelievable, it is also the most terrifying countdown I have ever experienced.
Looking forward to: FINISHING THE NURSERY!!!!!!!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep?  Bad. I want to sleep in because I am exhausted but I have to go to work.
Best moment of the week? Celebrating making it to 35 weeks, relaxing this last weekend, (with Sarah's help) I made an awesome print for the nursery... things are good!
Food cravings? None because I finally got Indian!!!

Looking forward to: Two weeks, man. And we get to see my parents a little bit this weekend.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

We Made It!!!!!

Austin and I are definitely celebrating today because...

When we had that bleed at 23 weeks, the BIG goal became keeping Mila in my belly until 35 weeks.
35 weeks means that she can be born here in Pullman
and will not need to be transferred to Spokane,
nor will she need any real time in a NICU if she was to be born before we expected.

And, ladies and gentlemen,

Honestly, at the time of the bleed, it all felt so hopeless and far away!
We took it day-by-day and measured her survival rate as we went
("If she is born today, she will have a 60% survival rate"..."If she is born today, she will have a 70% survival rate," etc)

I'm sure anyone who has ever had any kind of high-risk pregnancy (or jut general paranoia) can understand.

We are so happy and will be celebrating by FINALLY using the outside firepit
to roast marshmallows!!

Also, the c section date/time has officially be scheduled!!!

Things are good, indeed!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 34

How far along?  34 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? the size of a cantaloupe. According to pregnancy websites, she is about 18 inches long and weighs about 5 lbs... HOWEVER, my doctor tells me that she is the size of a 35/36 week baby so, who really knows? I think all questions will be answered when she is here!
Maternity clothes?  Yes indeed. Though, this week, the goal is wearing anything that covers my belly but allows for some AIR because it is hot as hell.
Sleep: MUCH BETTER! My cough is finally going away and I can sleep through the night. There are sometimes issues with needing to pee every hour or so, but last night, for example, I passed out and stayed passed out. It was amazing. I have started to have anxiety dreams about going into early labor, which is super fun. The other night, half-asleep and barely-awake, I was convinced that my water had broken... despite the fact that the sheets were bone dry.
Best moment this week: We had a really wonderful weekend of friends, bowling, and we took our maternity photos!  Austin and I have been trying to go bowling since we first became a couple but life kept getting in the way (including becoming pregnant and then fearing placenta previa issues) so now that we are so close to the safe zone (35 weeks) and I am so much more familiar and comfortable with what my body can handle, we finally got to bowl and it was such a blast!
Missing anything:  Having a waist, being flexible, being able to regulate my body temperature, being able to get up easily... that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we  have arrived at the point where I am about ready to not be pregnant anymore and for miss Mila to be here!
Movement: Pretty much all the time. At every appointment, she switches between being breech and being head down. She loves to stretch, she loves to roll around, she loves to readjust, she loves to move around at the sound of her daddy's voice, she loves to move to music, etc.
 Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. I was super excited for trashy bowling food, I am really looking forward to 4th of July food, AND we are talking about taking a trip to Spokane for some Indian food...mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not in the slightest.
Gender: Boy. Kidding.
Labor Signs: No, though I did have some weird cramping the other day. It happened twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and then never again.
Symptoms:  Very round belly, big boobs, can no longer handle what was once pretty basic exercise, and have a small person moving around inside of me.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly flat but every once and awhile it is in. Yesterday it was slightly out but when I touched it, it turned out to be a foot or a hand pushing.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Very very happy!
Looking forward to: At around 8am this morning, Austin and I were talking about that at that exact moment in exactly three weeks, she will be here and our lives will be forever changed! It is so weird that tomorrow means 2 weeks and 6 days. I seriously cannot believe how close we are and how quickly time is moving.
I am really looking forward to this weekend: 4th of July and Indian food in Spokane AND Austin gets a four-day weekend!!
I keep saying that the nursery will be finished soon but I am beginning to feel like that might never happen. I FINALLY made and hung pendants and they look adorable so I am hoping that they inspire me to cute up the rest of the room!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? (When asked this question, Austin random nodded slowly twice and then said:) Good.
Best moment of the week? BOWLING!!
Food cravings? hmmmmmm..... Indian food, always.
Looking forward to: Finally getting my Indian food!


Group shot. Austin, like a true model, knows to keep his eyes on the camera

This is how Daniela watches her ball head towards the pins

Look at that form

Try not to be intimidated

Amber looks so joyous in every pic

Richard, dressed as a bike messenger, explains his technique to  Daniela

Austin was victorious... also, he high-fived me after every single  time up. It made my arm sore.

 Sassy men.

Ryan was, by far, the worst bowler and had, by far, the funniest  anger about it

I had to post this picture because Austin looks so genuinely insane.