Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10th

Today is August 10th, Mila's original due date!

We have been lucky enough to have 18 extra days with the most amazing little girl in the world!

Honestly, I cannot express how wonderful she is.
I still can't believe that we made her and that she is ours. 
She is absolute perfection.
She already has so much of a personality and brings us so much utter bliss.
I feel so incredibly lucky to have her and am thankful for every single moment.
It is impossible to put into words how much we love and adore her.

Now for some news:

1. The last bit of Mila's umbilical cord fell off yesterday, leaving her with a perfect little belly button! This is wonderful news as we have been terrified of touching it for fear of hurting her and have freaked out every single time she touched/rubbed/pulled it!

2. Mila is healthy and growing steadily! She is already over her birth weight and is passing every single health test like a champ! 

3. Fernando LOVES Mila and is very protective of her. He loves to give her delicate little kisses and checks on her numerous times throughout the day.

4. Because Mila was breech and had her feet resting happily on her head, her hip sockets did not have the chance to develop properly, this is called congenital hip dysplasia. Basically, instead of forming like a perfect cup around the joint, her sockets are loose. It doesn't hurt her but, if left untreated, will lead to some serious hip issues.
It completely bums me out because I want everything to be easy and perfect for her.
The treatment involves her having to wear a brace until her hips adjust into the proper shape. We have yet to see the specialist so we don't know how long she will have to wear the brace (looks like 6 weeks min and 12 months max).
Here is what our poor baby will have to wear:
Honestly, it makes me cry to think of her needing to wear this.
I know she isn't in pain and this won't really bother her at all, but I just want things to be easy for her.
After such a turbulent pregnancy, a break would be much appreciated.

Anyway, I will be sure to update the blog when we know more.

And, finally...

5. Today is Fernando's birthday! (keep in mind that he is a rescue so I had to make up his birthday and I just went with the day of his first vet appointment) He is now 6 years old!
To celebrate, we made him doggy cupcakes (which smell terrible and are hard as rocks), Austin got him a stuffed animal toy, and he put a dead bird's head in our bed.

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