Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mila's Arrival

The day before Mila was born was spent packing and prepping for the hospital. The night before, Austin and I went on a date and it was so hard to believe how much our lives were going to change in less than 24 hours.

We arrived at the hospital at 5am and immediately I got into a hospital gown and had an IV inserted. Honestly, it was so surreal. I watched the clock ticking closer to 7:30 (when the c section was scheduled to begin) but felt pretty calm. 
When it was time, Austin and I walked back into the OR. He had to wait just outside while they did my spinal. Having never been in an OR before, my heart was pounding and I couldn't really believe it was all really happening. I sat on the table and leaned against one nurse while they injected medication into my spine.They said it wouldn't hurt but then said it would feel like a bee sting. Bee stings hurt, FYI. They chatted and asked questions about my tattoos like what was happening was no big deal. It helped keep me calm.
Almost instantly, my legs felt heavy and were numb in less than a couple minutes. After all of the proper linens were in place, Austin was allowed to come in and sit by my face.
They said the medication wouldn't make me loopy, but my random declaration of
"No sleep till Brooklyn"
seemed to indicate otherwise.
I could smell my own blood and also the smell of them cauterizing my flesh.
I felt pressure here and there, like a really bad stomach massage, and then it increased till breathing was a little bit of a struggle, and then they said,
"We have a butt!"
Austin looked over the curtain and watched as they pulled her out.
I'll never forget the look on his face.

Anyway, they forgot to show her to me. Yes, they forgot to show me my child.

They took her over to the table and I could hear her screaming. She screamed like a champ! I cried and Austin went over to cut the cord as they measured her.

The anesthesiologist who was taking photos came over and showed me the above picture, which was my first view of Mila. I could not believe how much she looked like Austin.

FINALLY, they brought her over to me and placed her on my chest. 
She was so calm and I just cried and talked to my daughter.

This was Austin's first time holding her.

Proud Daddy! 

They took Mila for her checkup and stitched me up. They also did some new procedure for pain management (where I got to watch a MASSIVE needle penetrate my stomach muscles via an ultrasound)

Finally, they wheeled me back to the room and brought Mila back to me.

C section recovery is rough. Medication made me throw up quite a bit and I couldn't really walk until late that night. But spending 3 days in the hospital bonding with Mila was unforgettable.

The nursing staff was so kind and really took care to work with us and make sure Austin, Mila, and I were comfortable.

My mom came by every day and would bring food as a relief from hospital cafeteria options.

The first-ever diaper change!

Mila and her nana (wrapped in a blanket made by Amber)

Right before we left the hospital.

First family photo with Fernando
(We had just gotten home)

Three generations!

Mila is such a gift!
We are completely in love and spend countless hours staring at her and loving her silly faces and the way she kicks out her tiny legs.

We can't wait to keep updating as she grows and changes!


  1. Congratulations again, Sarah! These are such beautiful photos, but of course, I really love the three generations photo. :)

    Cheers to your new family of four!

  2. I CRIED!!! Ahh, I am so beyond happy for you and Austin. I can't wait to hold that sweet girl!

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