Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 24

How far along?  24 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? just under a foot! the size of an ear of corn and just over a pound
Maternity clothes?  I can still wiggle into some non-maternity goodies but mostly, yes. I wore a shirt the other day that Austin thought made me look like a pistachio... oddly enough, he meant this as a compliment.
Sleep: Now that I have my body pillow, sleep is much much better! I have been making it through the night again but it might also have to do with still being so exhausted from a few days of pure stress/no sleep.
Best moment this week: Technically, I know it counts as week 23, but hearing her heartbeat when we were in the hospital was the best moment ever. Since then, I have had fun testing different music with her and each kick has a new significance.
Missing anything:  Now that I am on modified rest (pelvic rest) I miss being independent and not having to ask Austin to do basic things for me (taking out the trash, carrying books, etc).
Movement: OH YES! She really enjoys kicking, especially when I need to present in class or teach (which makes it hard to catch my breath). I imagine that she is practicing kung fu.
 Food cravings: Not really. I am always eager for cold water and would seriously love some San Diego Mexican food...mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nervousness about CPP and the realization of how much a c section is going to cost us.
Symptoms:  big ole belly. Still no stretch marks or swelling. I have back aches here and there and my feet get tired from lugging this weight, also, the weight of my belly is a little painful sometimes so my mom got me an awesome belly support system. It looks like I work in construction but it feels amazing-- she hates it and kicks like crazy when I wear it (I think because it squeezes her a bit). Also, I realized that I never mention her by name on here yet only do so when discussing her in real life or in conversation with other people----but her name is----- Mila!! It is a Ukranian/Russian name and I absolutely love it! Her middle name is Rebecca, after my mama.
Belly Button in or out?  in... I am pretty sure it has gotten deeper but Austin thinks that is wishful thinking.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, just worried. I am trying to concentrate on school and keeping myself healthy so I don't start Googling CPP. Also, do not ever Google "c section scar" --- I learned a horrible, horrible lesson.
Looking forward to: For one,  I am excited for this week to be over because I will be done with my last ever class (that I am taking). I only get a week off before summer teaching starts but I can definitely deal with working an hour and fifteen minutes a day teaching college freshmen. No sweat. Secondly, because my placenta previa googling has informed me (along with the doctor, so I am not totally insane) that premature birth is  major possibility if there is more bleeding, I am looking forward to each day that she stays in my belly without issue. My mom told me some stats about how her survival rate outside of the womb grows every single day (particularly in the next few weeks) after every day, I feel better. 35 weeks or bust!!! (hopefully 37)

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? fantastic!
Best moment of the week? yesterday I got to see her kick from the outside, which was pretty cool. She also stops moving lately when she hears my voice... we think she is listening. It was also awesome to get to see my family this last weekend and knowing that Sarah and the baby are okay.
Food cravings? Pita Pit. No, wait... just a pita.
Looking forward to: A lot of stuff. Being done with finals, enjoying summer- Pullman's little secret, finding out what Mila's personality is going to be like and if she is more like Sarah or more like me.