Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 23

How far along?  23 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? over a pound and over 11 inches long... she kicks like she weighs 15lbs.
Maternity clothes?  No, I shrunk and am now skinny.
Sleep: She is pretty still throughout the night but the weight of my belly is an adjustment. Plus, Austin AND Fernando snore. I ordered a body pillow to help with my belly and it is supposed to get here tomorrow... I eagerly await this.
Best moment this week: This week has been really hectic and difficult for me with a major issue that arose with my dissertation committee (the chair of my committee randomly came out with the fact that he is leaving WSU and can no longer be my chair-- very stressful). Otherwise, I am looking forward to judging a children's book contest on Friday and getting to go see Austin's family on Saturday. Also, Amber made the baby an ADORABLE hat and gloves set!
Missing anything:  sleeping soundly, not being so easily winded, not having a sore back...
Movement: all the time! She LOVES music and will kick like a wild woman if we play music or sing. She also seems to like when I dance around. She has a pretty apparent movement schedule (which entails not moving from midnight until about 7am, so let's hope that keeps up)
 Food cravings: Not really. I want Mexican food from home but really, more than anything, I crave cold water, which is very standard for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I had a random bout of nausea yesterday but nothing serious
Symptoms:  sore back, dizziness when I stand too quickly, needing to pee ALL THE TIME...
Belly Button in or out? in but the saddest looking thing you have ever seen.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy.
Looking forward to: finishing my work for the week, book judging, and our mini trip to Portland/Vancouver this weekend!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? fine, except when someone jabs me because I am snoring (EDITOR'S NOTE: Austin admitted earlier that he didn't even feel said jab. He is a liar.)
Best moment of the week? checking my math grade and seeing that it went up since my last exam (which I thought I bombed)
Food cravings? not really
Looking forward to: (Behind-the-scenes: I asked Austin this question, he stared blankly at me, yawned, looked at his computer, looked back at me, laughed at nothing, and then said...) I don't know. (This has been an exhausting week).

Also, because the weather here is so miserable and tricky (seems to get nice one day and then is freezing the next) I thought I would bring some joy to the world with some adorable shots of my Fernando love...

You're welcome.

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