Saturday, July 6, 2013

We Made It!!!!!

Austin and I are definitely celebrating today because...

When we had that bleed at 23 weeks, the BIG goal became keeping Mila in my belly until 35 weeks.
35 weeks means that she can be born here in Pullman
and will not need to be transferred to Spokane,
nor will she need any real time in a NICU if she was to be born before we expected.

And, ladies and gentlemen,

Honestly, at the time of the bleed, it all felt so hopeless and far away!
We took it day-by-day and measured her survival rate as we went
("If she is born today, she will have a 60% survival rate"..."If she is born today, she will have a 70% survival rate," etc)

I'm sure anyone who has ever had any kind of high-risk pregnancy (or jut general paranoia) can understand.

We are so happy and will be celebrating by FINALLY using the outside firepit
to roast marshmallows!!

Also, the c section date/time has officially be scheduled!!!

Things are good, indeed!!!