Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 36

How far along?  36 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? according to websites, over 6 pounds. I honestly have no real idea, but we will find out VERY VERY soon.
Maternity clothes?  I'm on vacation, so mostly large or maternity tanks and comfy shorts. Otherwise, of course.
Sleep: it varies. Sometimes I sleep wonderfully but mostly I am up all the time to pee and adjust my large, heavy belly.
Best moment this week: We finally finished the nursery!!!! Also, my mom comes into town on Friday and then our little lady will be here in one week.. which is the craziest thing ever. EVER.  I cannot believe we have made it this far and I cannot believe that this is my last week without her here.
Missing anything:  Being able to move around easily
Movement: She is rolling around and stretching out, much like an athlete before the game.
 Food cravings: Not really, but I really want some Mexican food (please understand that by Mexican food, I mean the food that most closely resembles Mexican food)-- hopefully Austin is feeling better tonight than he was this morning. UPDATE: we went and it was yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender: Turtle.
Labor Signs: Some Braxton-Hicks contractions here and there but otherwise, not at all. (UPDATE: there was a sign of labor, but it was gross and I don't really want to discuss it) haha
Symptoms:  I am very very pregnant.
Belly Button in or out?  flat but sometimes slightly in.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy. I am oddly focused on getting the house ready.
Looking forward to: Pseudo-Mexican food?? My mom is coming on Friday and then Saturday marks FULL TERM!!! Technically, because the c section is scheduled for early in the morning, we are less than a week away. I am every emotion in the book but excitement is definitely taking over! I can't wait to see her face, to smell her skin, to hear her little noises, and to get to meet my daughter!!!!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Last night was terrible because I had a really bad migraine and couldn't sleep.
Best moment of the week? (Austin is currently on a philosophical tangent/tirade about when his best moment might be and that he cannot commit to declaring a best moment until the calendar week is over)
Food cravings? nothing anymore (we just had a delicious meal). I just had tacos, I didn't even know I was craving tacos, but I was.

Looking forward to: Making it to Tuesday, hopefully nothing bad happens until then. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! I am looking forward to meeting my baby girl!!

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