Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 35

How far along?  35 weeks and 3 days!!!!
Size of Baby? BIG. According to baby blogs/sites, she is about 20 inches long and weighs about 5.5 lbs. HOWEVER, my doctor, upon feeling her in my belly, says that Mila is the size of a 38 week baby... so, who knows what that actually means. She feels massive and is heavy.
Maternity clothes?  Yup. Though, because I am on break, it is mostly big tank tops that stretch over my belly and some comfy shorts.
Sleep: Varies. I slept amazingly the night before last, but last night was awful. My belly is so heavy that it hurts my back and squishes my bladder.
Best moment this week: The fact that we have hit the 35 week mark is absolutely incredible!!!! Also, we finally hung art in the nursery and are ALMOST done!! Basically, I just need to organize and figure out what to do with random items that had been stored in the room previously.
Missing anything:  Having a waist, being able to walk Fernando without being out of breath, being able to bend, being able to lift things, being able to get comfy...
Movement: Pretty much most of the time. She likes to tap her toes and stretch her head as deep into my side as possible.
 Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender: Lady.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms:  At the end of the day, my back and feet are absolutely killing me. I also have some random/intense pain in my hips.
Belly Button in or out?  Flat but in-ish
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy... though I admit that the terror is growing. I woke up this morning, looked at the clock, and realized that in two weeks from that moment, she would be here-- like, actually out of my belly and in the world. While this is exciting and unbelievable, it is also the most terrifying countdown I have ever experienced.
Looking forward to: FINISHING THE NURSERY!!!!!!!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep?  Bad. I want to sleep in because I am exhausted but I have to go to work.
Best moment of the week? Celebrating making it to 35 weeks, relaxing this last weekend, (with Sarah's help) I made an awesome print for the nursery... things are good!
Food cravings? None because I finally got Indian!!!

Looking forward to: Two weeks, man. And we get to see my parents a little bit this weekend.

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