Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 34

How far along?  34 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? the size of a cantaloupe. According to pregnancy websites, she is about 18 inches long and weighs about 5 lbs... HOWEVER, my doctor tells me that she is the size of a 35/36 week baby so, who really knows? I think all questions will be answered when she is here!
Maternity clothes?  Yes indeed. Though, this week, the goal is wearing anything that covers my belly but allows for some AIR because it is hot as hell.
Sleep: MUCH BETTER! My cough is finally going away and I can sleep through the night. There are sometimes issues with needing to pee every hour or so, but last night, for example, I passed out and stayed passed out. It was amazing. I have started to have anxiety dreams about going into early labor, which is super fun. The other night, half-asleep and barely-awake, I was convinced that my water had broken... despite the fact that the sheets were bone dry.
Best moment this week: We had a really wonderful weekend of friends, bowling, and we took our maternity photos!  Austin and I have been trying to go bowling since we first became a couple but life kept getting in the way (including becoming pregnant and then fearing placenta previa issues) so now that we are so close to the safe zone (35 weeks) and I am so much more familiar and comfortable with what my body can handle, we finally got to bowl and it was such a blast!
Missing anything:  Having a waist, being flexible, being able to regulate my body temperature, being able to get up easily... that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we  have arrived at the point where I am about ready to not be pregnant anymore and for miss Mila to be here!
Movement: Pretty much all the time. At every appointment, she switches between being breech and being head down. She loves to stretch, she loves to roll around, she loves to readjust, she loves to move around at the sound of her daddy's voice, she loves to move to music, etc.
 Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. I was super excited for trashy bowling food, I am really looking forward to 4th of July food, AND we are talking about taking a trip to Spokane for some Indian food...mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not in the slightest.
Gender: Boy. Kidding.
Labor Signs: No, though I did have some weird cramping the other day. It happened twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and then never again.
Symptoms:  Very round belly, big boobs, can no longer handle what was once pretty basic exercise, and have a small person moving around inside of me.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly flat but every once and awhile it is in. Yesterday it was slightly out but when I touched it, it turned out to be a foot or a hand pushing.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Very very happy!
Looking forward to: At around 8am this morning, Austin and I were talking about that at that exact moment in exactly three weeks, she will be here and our lives will be forever changed! It is so weird that tomorrow means 2 weeks and 6 days. I seriously cannot believe how close we are and how quickly time is moving.
I am really looking forward to this weekend: 4th of July and Indian food in Spokane AND Austin gets a four-day weekend!!
I keep saying that the nursery will be finished soon but I am beginning to feel like that might never happen. I FINALLY made and hung pendants and they look adorable so I am hoping that they inspire me to cute up the rest of the room!

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? (When asked this question, Austin random nodded slowly twice and then said:) Good.
Best moment of the week? BOWLING!!
Food cravings? hmmmmmm..... Indian food, always.
Looking forward to: Finally getting my Indian food!

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