Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 17

Also, my shirt is super large because I am unsure how to dress this growing belly. Don’t judge me. I’ve actually lost weight in my legs and have only gained 4 pounds!

How far along?  17 weeks and 5 days
Size of Baby? From crown to butt, 5.5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces!
Maternity clothes?  I thought I could resist, and while tights and leggings are fine, my normal jeans refuse to close (and makeshift closing mechanisms like hair ties and elastic belts just aren’t doing the trick) so…yes, I am wearing maternity jeans. And they are the most comfortable things in the entire world. I may never go back…
Sleep: sleeping well, had a crazy set of nightmares last night but I think that has more to do with stress from school
Best moment this week: going to the doctor and hearing that everything is progressing as normal. Hearing the heartbeat brings me so much happiness and relief.
Missing anything:  regular jeans.
Movement: I felt some bubbles in my uterus! It was so weird! I have felt them a couple times now and look forward to more obvious movement!
 Food cravings: watermelon, lemonade, watermelon-lemonade.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  How much I need to read for my exams in the fall.
Gender Predictions:  I go back and forth. Austin still thinks it is a girl but refers to it as a boy all the time so, who knows. My brother, Josh, keeps asking how his nephew is doing… I seriously cannot wait to find out!! Only a couple more weeks!!
Symptoms:  belly is bigger by the day,  some migraines, feeling a bit physically exhausted (again, could just be from school), and still needing to pee ALL THE TIME.
Belly Button in or out?  In and looking wonky.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy! I had a breakdown this week because the pressure of all of my PhD exam stuff + a dying computer +endless amount of reading + needing to prepare nursery/guest room + work stuff + being in school + needy students + being pregnant = a meltdown with tears.  But that was less than 30 minutes of my week so it hardly counts.
Looking forward to: SPRING BREAK! We have the next week off (technically starts tonight for me after the young adult lit class I assist with) and I desperately need some R&R

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Good. Excited to finally get to sleep in!
Best moment of the week? Finally finished my midterms! Also, it was the realization that I am becoming a mushy person. We watched a video in class about childcare and when a mother dropped in unexpectedly, her kid was so excited to see her… it almost made me cry. I don’t know what is happening to me.
Food cravings? Empanadas! We are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the beginning of spring break!
Gender prediction? I just want to play catch with my kid, but I will do that with either.
Looking forward to: putting the crib together and getting the basic set up of the nursery ready to go. And spring break!! There are a lot of things I plan on doing around the house (dig a trench, clean the office, organize the nursery, clean out the garden beds…)


  1. Sarah! Your pregnant belly makes me SO happy! I cannot wait to find out the baby's gender! I hope spring break is super restful for you and Austin and that you are able to get tons of work done. Love you!!

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