Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 19

How far along?  19 weeks and 4 days!
Size of Baby? 6 inches long from butt to crown
Maternity clothes?  Yes, sadly. In my mind, I was going to make it nearly the entire pregnancy without having to wear maternity clothes. But I was an idiot. And now I have a slight maternity clothes shopping addiction. As soon as it gets a bit warmer, I am going to FLAUNT THIS BELLY! Whoo!
Sleep: not this week, nope. I put my head on the pillow and instantly start going over everything I need to do before the baby arrives
Best moment this week: Austin and I realizing how pregnant I am starting to look (rather than just chubby)
Missing anything:  My youth. Just kidding.
Movement: Yes! A couple days ago, it felt like someone gently poked me with a finger—FROM THE INSIDE!! I can only assume, from the size and pressure of it, that it was a stretching foot/leg. It made me really happy. I like to think that this little person is super cozy in there, especially as it is so cold and windy out here! Enjoy the warmth, little nugget!
 Food cravings: I was basically going insane in my need for a vanilla cupcake, but this craving was satisfied with a trip to the local cupcake shop. Austin satisfied his frozen yogurt craving as well.  Otherwise, fruit/melon is always delicious and refreshing!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.
Gender Predictions:  It might be because everyone keeps saying it (literally everyone except my brother, Josh, who refers to the baby as his nephew, and also my mom because she doesn’t seem to want to make predictions) but I referred to the baby as a “she” the other day. Only one more week and we will know!!! (Having to wait till week 20 to know is a total pain!)
Symptoms:  there is a baby in my belly… so I think that is a pretty major symptom.
Belly Button in or out?  In but SHALLOW… I don’t know when that happened but my normally deep belly button has transformed from a well to a puddle.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! Honestly, I have so much school work to do that I don’t have time to be cranky or moody. Gotta get work done!
Looking forward to: My mom comes to town on Tuesday, which I am really excited about! Then, one week and less than 2 days from this moment, we will FINALLY know the sex!!!! I can’t wait!! Also, it is spring and I LOVE Pullman in the spring! Flowers bloom everywhere and it smells amazing! I saw some of my first blooms today (bright yellow and purple) and it made me super happy!

Austin’s weekly reflection: Austin is not having the best week at school (not happy to be back from spring break) and is doing math homework as I ask questions. In other words, he is not in the best of spirits.
Sleep? Good. Need more.
Best moment of the week? It’s been a crap week at school so… I dunno.
Food cravings? No.
Gender prediction? Same as every time.
Looking forward to: Seeing Becky! Can’t wait to finally know the sex of the baby too!


  1. so exciting that u find out the sex soon! did u get my msg down below?! can u msg me ur number n addy? :)

    p.s. i just found this little blog tip on dressing while preggers. thought i'd share!

    1. arg, sorry doll! i just sent it to your fb account!

      how are you feeling???
