Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 15

How far along?  15 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby? An orange… I am beginning to think that these fruit comparisons are not making sense.
Maternity clothes?  I bought some items (jeans and shirts) but I am not wearing them yet. Still in jeggings, leggings, and tights
Sleep: good—still getting up at 3am to pee. Also, I have had some weird dreams about the baby. One night, I had numerous dreams where the baby (a girl who was adorable with giant green eyes and strawberry blonde hair) refused to eat, grew too fast and was the size of a giant, was a kitten…
Best moment this week: Scheduling my 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex!! Also, I only had ONE pregnancy migraine this week and finally have an appetite!
Missing anything:  looking skinny.
Movement: Not yet but I am ready!
Food cravings: I FINALLY got melon so I am happy as a clam.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I ate some avocado and it went well and am currently cooking beef for dinner… hopefully that goes okay
Gender Predictions: I really don’t know but I want to know NOW!!!!
Labor Signs: NO

Symptoms:  getting bigger and ALWAYS thirsty. Also, I have a stuffy nose every morning, which apparently is common. Weird.
Belly Button in or out? In but looking more and more like a sleepy eye every day.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY!
Looking forward to: finding out the sex and finally starting to get the nursery started!

Austin’s weekly reflection:

Sleep? Good. I could use more.
Best moment of the week? (Austin had to be reminded that this blog is about the pregnancy and not about his academic career) cuddling in bed every night this week with Sarah and watching Bob’s Burgers.  (and accidentally shaving his head because he didn’t realize that the guard was off)
Food cravings? Noodles. I always want noodles. And a donut sounds good.
Gender prediction? I think it’s a girl.
Looking forward to? I am looking forward to taking the baby to the park down the street (a park specifically designed for toddlers). I am also looking forward to carrying the baby in a front pack!

apparently, Fernando doesn't like oranges.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you are SO HOT! :D I can't wait to touch your belly!!!!!!!
