Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 14

How far along?  14 weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby? a lemon! yum! it is a bit confusing because i could have sworn that a peach is bigger than a lemon but I guess it depends on the specific fruit.  It's 2013, so we should be careful not to generalize all fruit.
Maternity clothes?  No, but I have made some purchases in anticipation 
Sleep: I've actually made it through the entire night for a few nights in a row! Granted, when I wake up, I am in PAIN, but still.
Best moment this week: We are officially freeing the news from the closet on Valentine's Day so I am excited in anticipation of that. Otherwise, one of the best moments was getting to talk to my bonus moms after they heard the news.
Missing anything:  Being comfortable in regular jeans.
Food cravings: Not really anything this week. I still want watermelon but I have accepted that this is not going to happen. Also, Austin got me a burrito so, that was pretty amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the thought of a steak or avocado. both of these make me very sad.
Gender Predictions: as long as it is one or the other, I am good to go. 
Labor Signs: No! I am going to be freaking out and probably not blogging when this answer changes!
Symptoms:  BLOATED and my back is aching
Belly Button in or out? IN!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy as a clam.
Looking forward to: People knowing, my mom visiting in a few weeks (to be here to find out the sex), not just looking like a chunky monkey. I am in that awkward stage of not looking pregnant but not looking like my normal self. 

Austin’s weekly reflection: I am excited for people to KNOW! I'm thinking about all of the things we need to buy and I am excited to get the nursery ready. I just realized that we need a car seat the leave the hospital... I seriously just realized this. It's been pretty easy so far. Sarah still cries randomly sometimes but it's usually about something on TV so we both laugh it off.

We can't leave Fernando out of the belly pics!

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