Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 13

How far along? 13 weeks and 6 days (today is the last day of the 13th week)
Size of Baby? a small peach! one of the books also gave the size as a medium shrimp, but that was so much less cute and so much more difficult to imagine.
Maternity clothes?  no, but jeggings and leggings are my best friends. 

Sleep: I am sleeping fine but always have to get up around 3 or 4 in the morning to pee. It has become routine, at this point.
Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and hearing that everything looks perfectly healthy. I got to hear the heartbeat again too, which blows my mind. I want a long recording of it and would love to sit around listening to it beat all day.

Missing anything: being able to wear normal jeans without looking like the queen of muffin top.
Movement: nope

Food cravings: I have always been someone with intense cravings so I don't really know if it is related to the pregnancy, but I really want a burrito, watermelon, and any kind of melon, really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: the idea of eating beef, ugh. 
Gender Predictions: Austin still thinks it is a girl... I go back and forth.
Labor Signs: no, THANKFULLY!

Symptoms: getting bigger in the belly and boobs, random bouts of nausea here and there. Migraines still continue to make my days difficult.
Belly Button in or out? In, though starting to change shape a bit with the growing of my belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: content... still cry easily. My moments of irritation are definitely a bit more dramatic than normal.
Looking forward to: feeling the baby move and finding out the sex!! also, I look forward to being obviously pregnant in appearance rather than just uncomfortably bloated.


Austin’s weekly reflection: (Austin is finishing one of the most stressful weeks at school and, when asked about his weekly reflection, while in the midst of taking an online math test and having just finished three major exams in one day, said: "I don't know... I just want this week to be over") At least he managed a smile for the belly pic!