Monday, February 18, 2013

Fernando the Protector

Austin and I have both noticed that Fernando has been acting strangely since right around the time we found out that we were going to be having a baby. 

I mean, he is always a little strange, but he has been hyper-paranoid and protective:

- If ANYONE (including small children) walk on the street/sidewalk, Fernando goes crazy and barks at them
- If anyone drives on the street, Fernando growls and stands at attention until they are gone
-When I take a shower, he waits directly outside the bathroom door (he usually either stays asleep on the couch or waits on the bed 
-He normally enjoys cuddling on me with his head on my chest, now he ONLY wants to cuddle with his head on my belly
- If someone comes to the door, he goes insane (like normal) but if I open the door to speak with him/her, he basically has a physical fit and panics until the person becomes worried and asks if he is okay and if he or she should leave.

These are just some of the interesting changes we have noticed.

Anyway, I wondered if maybe he was aware of the changes going on and I found several interesting articles that explain that dogs are very in tune with hormones and pheromones and know the smells of pregnancy.

Fernando, after being with me for almost 5 years now, is protecting me and his future best friend/mortal enemy in the quest for attention! How cute is that?

In other news: I FINALLY got some watermelon (I ate a small one by myself) and bought a honeydew melon and I feel that all is well with the world.

We also got a couple requests for Austin to answer more specific questions in his weekly reflections. He has been briefed on this change and is ready and willing to thrill you.

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