Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 29

(This is what I am pretty sure is happening in my uterus, though I have a feeling she is more flexible than me, at the moment)

How far along?  29 weeks 5 days
Size of Baby? 17 inches long (ish) and 3 pounds!
Maternity clothes?  Aside from a few larger or stretchy sweaters, YES.
Sleep: Not too great. I wake up earlier and earlier to go to the bathroom (3am this morning) and then also have to deal with the weight of this massive belly, which is KILLING my back.
Best moment this week: I was so thrilled to be able to go to Vancouver (as I was forbidden by my doctor last time) and spend time with Austin's parents and meet more members of his family (who are all so kind and friendly)! We also had our first baby shower, which was very surreal. Because we have been taking this pregnancy day by day, I am thrilled to get through every small landmark-- which included the drive to Vancouver and the drive back on Monday, without any bleeding!
Missing anything:  Agility. I miss being able to move around how I want without getting exhausted. I miss energy and I miss being able to take off my jeans easily. Turns out that not having a waist severely limits your mobility.
Movement: OH YES. She loves to stretch out, kick, punch, push her head (or butt) as deeply into my side as possible... We have a lot of fun feeling the belly to find out where she is hanging out throughout the day.
 Food cravings: Lately, I am back to wanting melon and also milk. This might mostly be because I just read about how much calcium she needs at this stage... and melon is delicious.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Some of my students' papers.
Gender: LADY
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms:  sore back, can't walk around for too long without my feet aching, etc.  I am now shaped like a potato on sticks... my belly is HUGE but my legs and arms haven't really gained any weight. It looks absurd.
Belly Button in or out?  Slightly in but mostly flat.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!
Looking forward to: Each new landmark! Getting to 30 weeks feels like a big accomplishment! I am also really looking forward to my next doctor appointment so I can tell her that I went on a road trip without issue (and hopefully get permission to go to San Diego in a couple weeks--- I need to see my family and my San Diego friends!!)

Austin’s weekly reflection:
Sleep? Rocky.
Best moment of the week? Going home and seeing my family!
Food cravings? Sushi. And Indian food that I wanted to get while I was home... but I never got. (Sad face)

Looking forward to: The end of this math class.

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