Friday, May 31, 2013

What a girl wants, what a girl NEEDS

A few people have asked me, "What do you still need for the baby?"

Well, if you take a look at our registry (, you will see the answer: 
quite a bit.

But I thought it might be helpful to mention some of the items we really and truly need.

1. DIAPERS!!!!! 
We have decided to cloth diaper miss Mila and we are going with all-in-one diapers.
These diapers are AMAZING! They are washable and will last through any and all babies we shall spawn in the future. 
The only issue? They are a little expensive, but WELL WORTH IT!!

2. A Boppy Pillow!
These are a definite MUST, but because I will be having a c-section, I will have a lot of trouble breast feeding without one. My doctor highly recommended that I have one and bring it to the hospital so that I can hold her right away.
Won't you let me hold my baby right away?

3. A Baby Carrier!!
We have a wrap carrier for when she is newborn, but after she is a certain weight, she needs a different carrier (and one that Austin and I can both use)
Ergo carriers are a bit expensive but another item that is well worth the price
especially as we will be using it for virtually every single outing/walk/adventure.

4. Breast Milk Storage Bags
These are exactly what you think they are and, best part, CHEAP!
No real frills here but a definite must-have!

5. A Wet Bag
Because we are using cloth diapers, we need a wet bag to hold all of the stinky/poop or urine-filled washable inserts. 
Gross? Yes. Needed? OH YES! 
We registered for one for on-the-go stinkage and another that will hang right by her changing table.
Without a wet bag, her nasty diapers will have no place to go except my hands...
I feel the need to wash my hands just thinking about it.

6. Diaper Sprayer!
Another gross but necessary item...
This diaper sprayer hooks onto the toilet and blasts away all of
so that we can wash her diapers!
According to users of similar diapers, this thing is genius!
Even more thrilling than the idea of spraying poop into a toilet, the sprayer is not too pricey at all!


  1. This may seem silly, but it makes me straight up giddy to find out that you're cloth diapering. I've been doing my "parent research" for, well, a long time. I've picked the brain of anyone who will let me, and cloth diapering is a must for me. I've collected all sorts of recommendations, tips, helpful blog posts, etc. Hooray for cloth diapering!

  2. Horray!!! I definitely had to convince Austin, but once I laid out the specifics of finances, he got on board!
